Saturday, June 15, 2024

Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered,what would it be like,to die?
I don't know,if I understand what death is,leave alone anything about life.
What is life really?
Just a game of dice, one keeps on rolling the dice and someone somewhere strategising, decides what one comes up with every time.
If nothing is permanent,then nothing is important.
If nothing is important,what's all the drama about?
I know,I am nothing but a half cooked grain of rice,full of ego and craving every material delight.
Still I am searching for ways to silence these thoughts running amok inside my head,making a clown of me,trying to teach me how futile this living is.
Tantrums I throw,the attentions I crave,how to get these over and find some rest.
Where do I exchange the physical-biological part of me and retain only the chemistry-the atoms in their gaseous state,who can glide away light years away to galaxies far away,experience the universe,talk to stars and play their stellar games,far from the maddening crowd of this rat race.
I wish,I wish,I wish I knew the way...

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