Saturday, June 15, 2024


Shadows have stories to tell,
Behind the darkness,that created them,
Craving for a ray of light,
Wishing it would end a trail...

I just played a game with myself and randomly picked a number to see when I might be blessed with death.
The number that came up was 2039,my 69th year on earth!
Seriously?Another 15years of this trek,for what-for whom,wish I had an answer to those,but can't argue if that's God's plan!
But if I don't wake up tomorrow, what lies ahead?
Bythe end of the next day,my belongings would be cast away most probably,spaces cleared,may be cupboards emptied.
Little things that I hold on to today,will become trash.
Some will heave a sigh of relief,finally she is dead!
The man might like to get back to where he belonged,the kids happy to break the apron strings that tied them down every now and then.
Words will travel through the social media,a few friends might 'tchk-tchk', that's all that remains.
Will You miss me,remember me that I left without knowing why you stopped speaking to me,just one fine day?
I wonder for whom I live or leave?

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